instant messaging

noun, Digital Technology.
a system for exchanging typed electronic messages instantly via the Internet or a cellular network, using a shared software application on a personal computer or mobile device.
Abbreviation: IM.
Examples from the web for instant messaging
  • First he pioneered antivirus software, then instant messaging.
  • Reflection, in a time of instant messaging, seems as quaint as the quill pen and the flickering of candles.
  • Make yourself available to students as much as possible via cellphone, e-mail, or even instant messaging.
  • It's the practice of intimate, full-time communication via phone and instant messaging.
  • Incorporate instant messaging into your office hours.
  • And investigators say that they are unable to monitor instant messaging.
  • Both websites are big in web-mail, instant messaging and display advertising.
  • It is true that the combined firm would dominate the markets for instant messaging and web-based e-mail, but neither is lucrative.
  • instant messaging is a fast, easy way to keep in touch.
  • Detectives posed online in chat rooms and instant messaging programs as children, parents or guardians.
British Dictionary definitions for instant messaging

instant messaging

(computing) the online facility that allows the instant exchange of written messages between two or more people using different computers or mobile phones Abbreviation IM
Contemporary definitions for instant messaging

a computer application which allows for communications in real time, a live chat and email service

Usage Note


instant messaging in Culture
instant messaging (IM)

A computer communications program that allows people to send and receive typed messages very rapidly. It is often used for online “chats.”